Wir sind eingeladen: “Raw MatTERS Ambassadors at Schools”

Im Dezember 2020 hatte die EU-Kommission um Rückmeldungen gebeten, ob Schulen im europäischen Rahmen an Projekten beteiligt sind. Es gab 576 Rückmeldung. Zwölf Projekte wurden ausgewählt und zu einem virtuellen Meeting am 11.03.2021 eingeladen – und wir sind dabei.

Education for Climate Coalition is a flagship initiative of the European Education Area, which aims to mobilise the education and training community to work towards achieving a climate neutral and sustainable European Union.

Why we?

We were selected because of our green education project “Raw MatTERS Ambassadors at Schools”.

What is it about?

As a first step to design a European community, we are taking part in a 2-hour focus group session on 11 March at 10:30. It will take place online and will be convening a small group of about 12 teachers from different European countries.

The aim of the focus group is to capture the story of our green project(s) experience, gain insights into what could make a European community of teachers and students meaningful and what its building blocks would be.

The next step:

The next meeting take place online on 18 March with the students and Mr. Segelken.

K. Bunsas

Veröffentlicht in Ausland, Externe Partner, MINT.